Women's Groups

Connect_Relationally_Text_Bottom.pngOur women's groups are open to all. Pick a date and time that works for your schedule and stick with your group! You won't regret getting plugged in!

2nd & 4th Mondays:

A group of ladies will be meeting at the Church from 10-11am on the 2nd and 4th Mondays.

1st & 3rd Tuesdays of the month:

Lead by Rachel Stuckey. This group meets at her house from 7pm-8pm.

Every Tuesday:

Jo Costigan leads a mom's in prayer group every Tuesday at here house from 9am-10am. Prayer is so vital. If you're free join these women for a time of encouragement as you pray for the Church and the families of Henry County.

1st & 3rd Wednesdays of the month:

Lead by Lynne Hoffmire, this meets at Crossroads Church from 7pm-8pm.

2nd & 4th Thursdays of the month:

Lead by Abby Weber, this group meets at 7pm-8pm in various locations. Contact Abby Weber for details about locations. Abby's cell: 330-466-7208 or email her at adw1678@hotmail.com.

If you're interested in connecting else-where within Crossroads Napoleon, click here to fill out this form and a staff person will contact you to help!