Prove It | 1 John 2:18-27

Length: 00:00 Speaker: Levi Stuckey Date: May 10, 2020 Series: Prove It

Staying put and sticking to the simple truths of Jesus will help us live with purpose and urgency as well as keep us from living in a constant state of panicked emergency.

Last Week's Tithe's and Offerings:

Total General Total Building Total Offering General Difference ($5,268) Building Difference ($1,200)
$3,461.03 $699.37 $4,160.40 -$1,806.97 -$500.63

If you normally give in our service via cash, check, or the envelope system, please consider utilizing our online giving platform while we're "social distancing". Your generous contributions ensure we can continue to provide the ministries of Crossroads Church to our community. Thanks!

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