Our hope and prayer is that these stories below become the stories of many many more across our city, county, state and world!
12 years ago, this church community didn't exist, but God had good things in store! He planted Crossroads Napoleon! Over that time we've over 700 people served directly through the ministry of Crossroads. Over 700 people who have had opportunities to hear and respond to the gospel. Over 700 souls who have had the opportunity to get found by Jesus and close to 50 of them were baptized. Because of God's work to establish the community of Crossroads Church many people have been found by Jesus and are experiencing more of His freedom in their lives!
Over these last 12 years Crossroads has prided itself on being an asset to the community. Guided by this desire to serve our community generously, our facility is frequently used at no cost by close to 30 different community groups!
There are over 41,000 people within 30 minutes of Crossroads Napoleon that are not connected to any faith, let alone the Christian faith. They need to be found by Christ! Along with the lost, there are thousands more who may be found by Jesus but aren't living in the full freedom Christ died to give them!
It's true, many have been found by Christ and set free since Crossroads was planted 12 years ago, but the harvest remains plentiful! We believe God is calling us to SHIFT into a higher gear of more of the same and the brochure below explains the why, the what, and the how of our building campaign and renovation project! Page 14 is especially insightful, containing the new floor layout of our building! We'd love you have you join us on this journey!
If you're not already apart of this project, we'd love for you to partner with us! Please prayerfully read through this brochure, and don't hesitate to reach out with any questions you may have!