Prove It | 1 John 1:5-10

Length: 00:00 Speaker: Wes Hoffmire Date: April 26, 2020 Series: Prove It

The only difference between a Christian and a non-Christian is not the presence of sin in their lives but how they handle it. Christians feel conviction about sin and have a desire to confess it and repent from it while unbelievers either aren't aware of sin or aren't bothered by its presence. If you are struggling with sin, that's a good indication the Holy Spirit is active and present in your life!

Last Week's Tithe's and Offerings:

Total General Total Building Total Offering General Difference ($5,268) Building Difference ($1,200)
$10,884.79 $250.54 $11,135.33 $5,616.79 -$949.46

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